You know something..........I have not the foggiest idea on what their past or current teaching of the Evil Slave is. Can't keep up on all this mess. So the old teaching was anyone who couldn't accept Rutherford and his predecessors composited the Evil Slave?
Theocratic Sedition
JoinedPosts by Theocratic Sedition
Is The "Evil Slave Class" Still Viewed As JWs Have Taught Over The Years?
by minimus inwith the new understanding of the "fds" , is the previous material regarding the "evil slave class" still current?.
I have something to say about Debbie Boone and Lifestyle Lifts -
by james_woods ini honestly think that if i have to watch her sing that stupid song and promote those lifestyle facelifts very much longer, i am going to go get a .45 automatic and shoot out my television screen.. thank you very much for your consideration of this rant.. sincerely,.
Theocratic Sedition
Thanks guys, I never heard of her. Heard of Pat Boone, but don't know that much about him either. LOL, James such contempt man!
I have something to say about Debbie Boone and Lifestyle Lifts -
by james_woods ini honestly think that if i have to watch her sing that stupid song and promote those lifestyle facelifts very much longer, i am going to go get a .45 automatic and shoot out my television screen.. thank you very much for your consideration of this rant.. sincerely,.
Theocratic Sedition
Who is Debbie Boone?
Off-topic: hand shaking
by Libelle inthis is totally unrelated to anything jw, but it's the only group i'm in online with such a mix of men and women, so i'm asking.
what's your experience with hand shaking?.
me, when i meet someone for the first time, i offer to shake their hand.
Theocratic Sedition
When meeting a woman for the first time, whether in a professional setting or social, I shake her hand. Although I don't shake as firmly as I do a man's but not necessarily in a flimsy manner either.
When You Were Sitting During The Meetings What Were You Really Thinkng About?
by minimus ini used to listen to all the stupid comments and wonder if i could sneak out of there and scram!
even after i resigned as an elder, i went for a while and eventually began missing more and more meetings.
but while i was there, i'd listen to comments, chuckle to myself how dumb it all was and then go home with the knowledge that my days were numbered there..
Theocratic Sedition
During the service meeting, "Please let this meeting end on time." "He goes over on every part he does, why do they keep putting him up there?" "Why would you use her for a demo? She can barely read without stuttering." "I hope I can make it to the liquor store on time."
During the WT Study, "Sister, the reader already read the paragraph! There's no need for you to read it afterwards!" "He asked the A part question stupid! The A part!!" "All they ask of you is to walk up and down the aisle and hand someone the microphone and you can't even get that right. Leave the microphone on jackass!" "His hairline is almost as bad as Lebron's. Don't know why he doesn't just cut it all off."
Right before the closing prayer and announcement is made, "Bro.Fearless LEader would like to see all the elders after the meeting. Let us petition JEhovah in prayer." Me, "Shit!!!, for what?!?!?!? This better not be about whether or not to have a garbage can in the kitchen again."
NO more Twinkies? Damn, That was my Armageddon food.
by wha happened? in
Theocratic Sedition
Looks at watch, counts down until BTS posts that this is Obama's fault.
It's the holidays! You aren't a JW, but are you still a killjoy?
by JimmyPage indidn't you spend enough time sucking the fun out of the holidays?
why do a minority of ex-jws still need to point out self-righteously that the origins of these celebrations are sometimes less than desirable?
yes, we all know that the american indian was not treated well by the white man.
Theocratic Sedition
I'm guilty as charged, although my problem is probably more related to misanthropy than principle. I see the word Thanksgiving and immediately think Thanks-taking. They got some casino money and alcohol out of it though. Their imagery is on hockey shirts and football helmets, so its not all bad. I hate Christmas, stupid holiday. Even more stupid commercials and stupid songs. Its all so annoying.
Did any of you watch the show, Full House way back when?
by Theocratic Sedition inthis picture isnt from the show.
is it just me or is this not a major wtf moment?
thats not her dad.
Theocratic Sedition
The crazy thing to me is, remember Bob Saget was the father on that show, and that dude hugged up with her looks like an older version of Saget. Makes ya wonder.
Did any of you watch the show, Full House way back when?
by Theocratic Sedition inthis picture isnt from the show.
is it just me or is this not a major wtf moment?
thats not her dad.
Theocratic Sedition
This picture isnt from the show. Is it just me or is this not a major WTF moment? Thats not her dad. I realize she's grown, but idk.
Do you call your father by his legal name? Should we for God?
by trujw injw's make much of calling god jehovah as if somehow this makes them better than us.
do we call our mother's by their legal name?
if you do or do not does that make the other less a son or daughter of god?.